Our Process

Our process is simple – we help you design and build your dream basement. We offer the best when it comes to home renovation craftsmanship, and believe every project is its own masterpiece. From design and applying for required city permits, to accurate cost estimates to top quality materials we assist in every detail of your renovation project.



Initial Inquiry

To start the process please fill out our enquiry form to help us better understand the type and scope of work for your basement project. Once submitted, a member from our OnlyBasements team will evaluate your request and will reach out to you right away.



Site Visit

After an initial phone or email conversation, OnlyBasements sends qualified project managers directly out to meet with you, to listen to all of your ideas and thoughts about your upcoming basement renovation.


Scope of Work and Estimate

Once the site visit is completed, we will then send you an agreement including the scope of work and the cost estimate associated with your basement renovation project.


Drawings and Permits

Our professional team of architects, engineers and project managers at OnlyBasements will help you refine your thoughts and ideas and put them on paper. This allows you to see exactly what can and cannot be done with your basement space. We will provide you with all the required drawings in order to apply for building permits.  Once the final drawings are approved we will be able to begin your project.



The final phase means bringing your basement renovation to life. The construction phase is OnlyBasements favourite stage because you get to see everything come together just as planned. During construction communication is a key process with our clients. OnlyBasements wants you to know what is happening with every stage of your renovation, the techniques being used and all the detailed work that goes into the precise design of your new basement.